Physical Therapy

Commonly Asked Questions for a First Physical Therapy Appointment

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

How Physiotherapy Benefits Your Mental Health

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Unlocking the Healing Power of Massage Therapy for Pain Relief and Wellness

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

The Healing Power of Consistency: Why Consistency in Physiotherapy Exercises Is Key

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Unleashing the Healing Potential of Shockwave Therapy

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Listen to Your Body: A Guide to Recognizing When You Need Physical Therapy Services

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Nurturing Pelvic Health: A Comprehensive Guide

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

A Comprehensive Guide to Relieving Hip Pain with Shoppers World Physiotherapy

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Unwind and Heal: The Art of Massage Therapy Treatment at Shoppers World Physio

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Unlock the Healing Potential of Acupuncture Treatment at Shoppers World Physiotherapy

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Discover Causes of Back Pain and How Physiotherapy Eases Discomfort

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Physical Therapy

Unlocking the Benefits of Physiotherapy – Enhancing Your Health and Well-being

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Common Myths And Facts About Physiotherapy That You Need To Know

The demand for physiotherapy has significantly increased as a result of the patient’s ongoing success with it. Physiotherapy is something that we are all familiar with because most of us have either used it for ourselves ...
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Exercise is necessary for Work from Home

Perhaps working from home is a new norm and almost all of us are into it. We often find ourselves sitting in one single position for a really long time. No movement, at least not as much as we did before the lockdown phase.
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Should you know about Knee Osteoarthritis?

Bones get weaker as we age! And, osteoarthritis in the knee is the most common type of arthritis. Moreover, it usually occurs in people who are aged above 50 years. The reason is that the cartilage in the joints actually thin over time...
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Physical Therapy Tips

Covid-19 Safety Measures During Physiotherapy 

This time of pandemic due to covid-19 coronavirus is very uncertain. It becomes even more terrible in a time of urgency. So many official guidelines by the government and above that the concern for our safety makes the situation worse.
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Physical Therapy Tips

Ankle Sprains? need to call up a Physiotherapist?

Running down the stairs and you skip one step by mistake and have a gift of an ankle sprain. Or, maybe you were just walking down the road, busy in your thought, you accidentally twisted your leg- and, ankle sprain!
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Physiotherapy Your Postpartum Backaches and Pains?

Physiotherapy has the power to cure, manage and treat a lot of health-related issues. Even though pregnancy is one of the blissful feelings and for those to-be mothers, it can be a little daunting as after the delivery, some pains can make life discomforting and annoying. One of such is Postpartum Back Aches and pains.
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Tips for Your Pelvic Health

Your pelvic floor helps uphold your pelvic organs, incorporating the bladder, colon, rectum, and conceptive organs. While your pelvic floor continues to work, it's fundamental to fortify your muscles.
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Cycling Training

Eager for Winter Cycling Training?

So, winter is here! What are your plans when it comes to exercising? Are you a cycling enthusiast like me too? Well, I enjoy cycling and have decided to engage in cycling training this winter 2020.
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Shoppers World Physiotherapy
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